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Sister Victoria Michelle

The Community of St. John Baptist

It is truly a privilege and an honor to have had the opportunity to be part of the program of Education for Ministry. Growing in my relationship with God has primary importance in my life I know that my participation in this in-depth Bible study will enhance my fulfillment in the call that God has placed in my heart to serve in the Community of St. John Baptist.

Education for Ministry is instrumental in deepening my knowledge of the word of God. I have found the group study helpful in holding me accountable in keeping up with my Bible study. ln my determination to learn more, I have grown and am beginning to understand so much more. Education for Ministry offers me a broad look at Scripture that combines scholarly learning with the use of that learning in life and ministry. Sharing insights into the truths of Gods word enables me to persevere in the task God has for me.

lt is good to be part of a group who prays for one another and encourages each other on a regular basis- God uses our study in a transforming way to teach us to know Him. He answers our questions according to the measure of our hunger for and obedience to the truths from His word contained in our learning material. I am increasingly awed over my salvation and find the wonder of knowing and loving God to be unfathomable.


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Sandra Johnson

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